Jr High Auditorium
Meeting is not mandatory, but recommended, especially for 1st year parents
You will have the opportunity to meet some of the board/coaches, learn a little about what to expect, and ask any questions about the upcoming season
SEP Youth Wrestling 2023
Practices will be divided into 3 Groups.
Pre K and Kindergarten will practice Tuesdays/Thursdays at the Jr. High Wrestling room 5:30-6:30
1st and 2nd grade will practice on Tuesdays/Thursdays at the Jr. High Wrestling room 6:45-7:45
Please note NO PRACTICE on nights there is a JH home Wrestling Meet
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade will practice Tuesday/Friday at the High School Wrestling room 6:00-7:30
Please note NO PRACTICE on nights of High School Wrestling Duals
Practices will start 11/1 and we may restructure times/groups at any time
In the event that school is canceled or an early out because of winter weather or any other reason, all practices will be canceled for that evening. No School=No Practice.
The following equipment is what will be needed for practice:
Practice clothes- wrestlers can wear shorts and a t-shirt or a singlet to practice in. (your wrestling club t-shirt will be handed out the first week of practice)
Shoes- wrestling shoes are to be worn for practice. These shoes are only to be worn during wrestling. Bring them with and put them on in the hallway.
Headgear- headgear is not required at practices, but is a good investment as it is required at most tournaments.
Water Bottle- Please have your child bring a labeled water bottle if possible. This helps to speed up practice so they do not have to wait in line at the drinking fountain.
Tournaments are on an individual basis and not required to be a wrestler in this club. Competition is a decision that will be up to the individual athlete and their family. You can find most tournaments listed at IAWrestle.com under youth tournaments tab. Parents sign up their wrestler online as they see fit. We will predominantly use FB or email (Coaches in each room will use email to communicate if they are going to a tournament).
Parents in the wrestling room
We are VERY fortunate to have access to the facilities at the Jr High and High School. We are able to have 10 different practices in a regular week which is HUGE for our club. We need make sure that we are following certain rules inside the facilities. We will continue to take all the necessary precautions and limit the number of people in a room. The only parents (outside of Coaches) that will be allowed in the rooms are those who have a child with additional medical needs. This requires prior approval from a coach or board
Website and Contact Information
Our SEP Youth Wrestling website is: WWW.SEPYOUTHWRESTLING.COM We plan to use this for weather updates (practice cancellation’s), club info, ETC. Our Facebook page is: SEP Youth Wrestling
Thank You again for signing your child up for the 2023 season, please feel free to contact us with any other questions you might have (at email noted below).
If you plan to be on the mat at any time, you have to provide your current USA Wrestling Coaching card to the Coach in that room beforehand. This is a safety measure for our youth athletes.
Please note to plan ahead and have your child go to the restroom before practice. If it cannot wait, your child needs to have their parent/Coach notified before they leave/return to the room.
If you plan to be in the room for practices, please honor the Coach and the structure / instruction provided. If you’d like to advise your child directly, please do so after practice so it is not disruptive to all. This will be enforced at the Coach’s discretion.
Lastly, please take a moment to review this information on concussions as another preventative measure. Coaches take an online course but if any questions, please contact your personal physician.
Board and Coaches:
Joe Hunter - Board President, joe.hunter2@gmail.com
David Elliott - Board VP, elliott.david07@gmail.com
Chantelle Armintrout – Treasurer, chanmcfadden@hotmail.com
Kristin Hunter-Registrar, khunteruni@gmail.com
Amy Halstead – Secretary, amynichol12@yahoo.com
Kara Grochala - Apparel, grochalakara@gmail.com
Anyone feeling sick will not be allowed to attend practice that night.
Mats will be sanitized before and after each session.
Hand sanitizer will be used when entering or exiting the wrestling rooms.
Bring your own water-water fountains will be off limits.
Utilize all space available in the rooms in order to maintain as much distance as possible.
In the event of a positive COVID test the youth program will follow current school guidelines. NO SCHOOL =NO PRACTICE
We are a community based non profit organization focused on providing an opportunity for youth to learn the sport of wrestling. We strive to provide a fun, learning environment aimed to grow participation of the sport at the most affordable level possible.